All consumers have opinions; how they are collected makes all the difference.
We deploy research methodologies and techniques that will yield the most relevant and meaningful results.
We believe all projects should include a mix of both Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies in order to extract the most relevant insights. However, we understand project budgets don’t always allow for a mix. We will craft the best research design that fits within your budget, but does not compromise data quality.
Sift Research is highly experienced with these market research methodologies:
Focus Groups
The tried and true qualitative technique used to help gain an in-depth understanding of consumer attitudes and beliefs. Focus Groups are conducted in a group setting (six respondents is typically best) and led by a professional moderator. The group setting allows for respondents to debate and bounce ideas off one another, helping to unlock insights that may have otherwise remained undiscovered.
Focus Groups are best utilized in conjunction with quantitative research to help uncover the “whys” behind the numbers. Groups can be conducted in-person or online.
Online Surveys
Everyone has probably received an invite to participate in an online survey at this point. They are the most common form of quantitative research because they are a great way to answer pressing business questions quickly. They are typically much more cost effective than any other form of quantitative research and results can be provided in short time.
Online surveys should always be short (15 minutes or less is best) so they are somewhat limited in attainable information. However, online surveys allow for large sample sizes that can be geographically and demographically diverse and allow respondents to complete at their own pace, on their own time.
Central Location Tests
Ford, Nike, Samsung, McDonald’s, Apple. What do they all have in common? They all sell a lot of their products to consumers. They also do a lot of research testing those products with consumers to make sure they are releasing a product that consumers will buy.
Central Location Tests (CLTs) allow respondents to test new products or services in person. Most CLTs involve a product or service that is new to the market and unreleased. Most involve a mix of quantitative and qualitative methodologies where the quantitative data feeds the qualitative activities. This allows for a deeper understanding of the “whys” behind the quantitative data (i.e. numbers).
View consumers in their natural habitat - sort of like a human safari. What better way to get feedback then to watch consumers use products or services how they normally would in their daily lives. This can take the form of following consumers while they shop, watching them interact with family and/or products in their home, or driving along with them in their vehicle. Essentially, watching consumers in their normal routines to not only understand how they use and/or shop for products, but also to learn more about their personalities and motivations.
Ethnographies are led by a professional moderator and tend to be more organic than a focus group taking place in an unnatural environment.
Subject Matter Expert In-Depth Interviews (
“Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you” - John Wooden
Consumers are great for a better understanding of your target market and product/service usage, but sometimes you need someone to challenge your line of thinking. Experts within your industry, that have spent their entire career in their niche, are able to present information and ideas you may have never considered. Sometimes experts outside of your industry may be able to provide a fresh look at an old concept. Whatever the objective, it can never hurt to listen to the advice of someone that knows what they’re talking about.
Many surveys ask respondents to “think back to when…” Problem with this question is many consumers don’t remember all the details about what you are asking, or it has been too long so their opinion has either changed or softened. Intercept surveys are a great way to elicit feedback from consumers “in-the-moment” so recall is easy and opinions are fresh.
Test sponsorship awareness and effectiveness at a music festival, test consumer reaction to a new product offering at a car show, gather opinions from shoppers at your store, etc. Sift deploys a team of experienced and professional interviewers to obtain those vital, in-the-moment opinions.
Asynchronous Qualitative
Asynchronous Qualitative is great for respondents that are not articulate when expressing their views orally, or clam up in front of others. It allows them to provide feedback on their own time, when it is most convenient for them, which can often result in more thoughtful responses.
Online diaries with text, pictures, and videos can provide a glimpse of respondents‘ daily lives and product/service usage. Research providers are able to interact with respondents in the diary platform by posting comments or questions related to already completed tasks.
Usability Tests
Usability testing allows researchers to learn how consumers are using products or services, understand their frustrations and pain points, and uncover opportunities for improvement. This is done in a controlled environment where respondents are given tasks and researchers are able to watch the respondent perform these tasks live, usually via a multi-camera set up.
Usability testing typically involves at least two cameras, one facing the respondent and the other showing the product/service being used. Video is then shown on a split-screen and can be transmitted to anywhere in the world.